
Home > News > The main working principles, characteristics and application areas of single-cylinder diesel engines

The main working principles, characteristics and application areas of single-cylinder diesel engines

May. 28, 2024

Fault Analysis on Diesel Engine Failure to Start (3)

A single-cylinder diesel engine is a diesel engine with only one cylinder when classified according to the number of cylinders. A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine that uses diesel as fuel and is a device that converts the heat energy released by fuel combustion into electrical energy or mechanical energy.

There are two-stroke and four-stroke single-cylinder diesel engines. The mechanisms of the two are basically the same, and the main difference is in the valve distribution structure.

Each working cycle of a single-cylinder diesel engine goes through four processes: intake, compression, power generation and exhaust. In a working cycle, only one stroke does work, and the remaining three strokes are auxiliary strokes that create conditions for the power stroke. Therefore, the operation of a single-cylinder diesel engine is unstable. The development of single-cylinder diesel engines still relies on technological innovation, and new technologies are constantly used to improve the existing shortcomings and deficiencies of single-cylinder diesel engines and expand their scope of use. For example, it is equipped with oil limiting devices, emission control devices, etc. to meet the needs of motor vehicle use and environmental protection.

Application fields: Single-cylinder diesel engines are mainly used in agricultural machinery, engineering machinery, automobile industry, shipbuilding machinery, electric power industry and other fields.
